
Garden Constellate 2024






Garden Constellate, 2024
On site at Marchmont Estate, Borderlands Scotland through the Hugo Burge Foundation
Artist in Residence studio and in situ on the estate grounds
Fallen branches, feathers, fire ashes, plant leaves


SPIRIT COMES ALIVE series of drawings on vellum were completed during the Hugo Burge Foundation one month artist residency at Marchmont Estate in Scotland. The first few of these were sketches to work with new ideas and to loosen up my drawing, then I continued doing several each day for a total of twenty-four. I was also working on a few earth work sculptures, a large installation of photocopied photographs and drawings and developing a fibre-arts embroidered sculpture. The look to combine organic forms with geometric shapes as well as introduce hints of figural elements.

Spirit Comes Alive 1-24
Watercolour, graphite, coloured pencils on vellum
8″ x 8″ / 20.32 cm square

Cultureland, Netherlands 2018

Artist in Residence  | February-April 2018 |
Cultureland  | Amsterdam & Starnmeer, Netherlands

Knock on Woods 2008


In 2008, Yvette Porter put out a Call for Artists as part of her ongoing international Knock on Woods project.
I was accepted to participate in the on-site residency on Mayne Island where I spent an afternoon gathering flora & fauna, cutting to size and capturing them in slide frames.

For more information about this project by Yvette Porter, see her book Dwellings for Intervals for intervals or check out her website this neck of the woods