The Shape of My Tears 2019

The Shape of My Tears 2019

I am in the habit of collecting. Collecting scraps, flower petals, bones, rubbish and left over building materials.

This set of sixteen paintings, each 16.5 cm in diametre, are the wood cut outs from the ceiling light panels above my studio area in the Marlborough College Art Department. I wood filled a hole in the middle, sanded the surface and edges, then gessoed them before mixing a dark navy blue reminiscent of blue prints to serve as the base. There are many layers of paint and gloss medium on which the white paint plays, dripped, painted, wiped and repeated.

I wanted to create images that appeared both underwater yet recognizably garden inspired; to portray motion and the sense of present and absence. To conjure moments of joy with mystery, mirroring the human experience of connecting with nature.


The Shape of My Tears
Raw pigment on wood
16.5cm each, 16 pieces
Installation size variable

Available as one piece

