The Shape of Longing, 2019
Slip cast paper-clay bowls, each one holding an element of nature (bone, feather, flower, branch, leave, seaweed etc)
113 pieces, 6 – 15 cm diametre)
One slip cast paper clay bowl with a slip cast flower head began an experiment to discern whether something delicate from nature could survive the 1000 degree temperature of a kiln firing. The Shape of Longing became an ongoing project of discovery coupled with a formulated desire to record and save elements of my surroundings and recent experiences. To make precious the small intricacies and to ultimately draw an audience in to look closely, to consider, to question and to be hyper aware of the fragility and beauty of what was before them. Curiosity, delight and a pensive hush filled the installation room while for many the desire to touch the pieces was substantial. In this piece, what appears to be lost is actually simply transitioned, and what is recognizable lays in imperfect quietude.