draw the line | work on paper
draw the line | work on paper UFV Visual Arts Gallery March 6-20, 2014
draw the line | work on paper UFV Visual Arts Gallery March 6-20, 2014
The new catalogue of my work from 2010 and into 2012 is done! It is 6″ x 6″, 24 pages with 48 colour plates and I’m stoked to have them available to order for $6 including shipping. Payment through Paypal (), checque or in person. Special thanks to Sarah Gee (www.sarahgeeart.com) for writing the essay, to Wendy for the photographic documenting (www.wendydphotography.com), to Gregory for giving me a home & support during the great eviction-quake of 2011, to Mira for letting me inhabit her art beauty home from where I write this. To Chadwick, who made Tuesdays in the studio something to look forward to: ceramic therapy, the meeting of minds and hearts. And especially to Rory, for wrapping my heart in the warm blanket of his friendship, with words, hugs, music, quiet and action. Thank you all for taking the time to consider art. In such, you consider beauty & life…