Marlborough College Artist in Residence
I arrived in here for my one year tenure as Artist in Residence at Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England at the end of August and have been settling into the cottage I’m living in, my designated studio space and have been thoroughly enjoying getting to know the staff and students of this amazing, unique institution. I’m loving the Marlborough region which allows for nearby walks in the farmer’s fields and wooded areas, short walks to the incredible Savernake forest and the close proximity to London is perfect for filling up with gallery shows and visits with friends.
Marlborough College Artist in Residence Siobhan Humston (PDF)
In the studio I’m working on a series of drawings titled ‘Gathering the Gap’ (see below, middle photo); a branch and forest inspired backdrop for a short film in the works(below, left); several sculptural pieces inspired by a pheasant that sadly collided with the art school glass doors; a daily drawing practice so far resulting in two finished large scale drawings (below, middle photo) with two more on the go; experiments with paper clay in ceramics; enlarging and manipulating photographs of fallen trees; and just recently, I’ve been making test plates in the printmaking department. All of the work explores ideas of beauty and fragility, connection to and disconnection from our natural environment as well as considering the passing of time and disappearing aspects of our ‘wild and precious’ lives.
Opening on Friday, February 1st (from 6:40 – 8:30 pm) is a group exhibition ‘Artists’ Sketchbooks’ which affords a rare look at the sketchbooks of eight artists alongside some of their finished pieces. I’m happy to be showing forty of my sketchbooks from the last four years along with recent work. The show will run until the end of February.
Art School, Artist in Residence studio space: September-October 2018 (L). December 2018 (Centre), Pheasant wings still life (R).