

For all these trees. For this cabin. For the studio. For my neighbours. For this beautifully enveloping artist residency at Sitka Center. For the Sitka workers.
For land without names, borders and division.
For time & space to explore. For the desire, ability and encouragement to create art.
For the elks who have and have not been shot during hunting season.
For the rain. For the sunshine. For the wind, for the thunder. For the river, the estuary, the ocean. For the seals and sea lions, fish and birds.
For those who trust. For those who help. For those with compassion. For friends who be in touch, for friends who don’t. For friends who love. For family.
For music. For contrast, pain, doubt, sorrow, loss. For introspective time & the inner journey.
For creators.
For counters of stars. For thinkers, actors, writers, dancers, lovers. For caretakers.
For angels. For all my relations in spirit. For dreamers.